May 27, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins 

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 05-27-18

SERMON: “Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the Lord of Hosts!”  Isaiah 6:3

  1. The Lord’s holiness should fill us sinners with fear and awe.
  2. The Lord’s holiness should draw us to trust His atoning mercy.

    This Service will also be broadcasted on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, June 3rd.

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May 20, 2018


LITURGY: pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion moving to pg 22 for the Nicene Creed and Communion liturgy.)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 05-20-18

SERMON: “Jesus Sent the Helper to Convict and Convince”  John 16:7-11

  1. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, convicts and convinces concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.
  2. He did this work on Pentecost, and continues it for our blessing.
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May 13, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 5 in TLH (Divine Service w/o Holy Communion)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 05-13-18

SERMON: “Faith in the Son of Man Assures Us:” 1 John 5:13-14

  1. We have everlasting life.
  2. He hears our prayers when we ask according to His will.

This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, May 20th.

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May 06, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 05-06-18

SERMON: “Abide in Jesus’ Love that Your Joy May Be Made Full”                   John 15:9-11

  1. The nature of Jesus’ joy.
  2. Jesus loves us, and wants us to abide in His love.
  3. When we abide in Jesus’ love, He makes our joy full.

 This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, May 13th.

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April 29, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 15 in TLH – Divine Service with Holy Communion

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 04-29-18

SERMON: “Jesus’ Word Makes Us Clean and Fruitful Branches” John 15:1-3

  1. Jesus is the Source of our life and fruitfulness; we must abide in Him.
  2. As we abide in Jesus through His word, the Father continues to cleanse us and make us fruitful.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, May 6th.

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April 22, 2018


LITURGY: Pg 32 in TLH – The Order of Matins 

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 04-22-18

SERMON: “God is Greater than Our Hearts”

               1 John 3:19-20

  1. When our hearts condemn us…
  2. God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.

This Service will also be broadcasted on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, April 29.

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April 15, 2018


LITURGY: pg 46 in TLH (Confessional Service with Holy Communion moving to pg 22 for the Nicene Creed and Communion liturgy.)

Right Click on the green link below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser.  This will allow you to follow along.

Divine Service 04-15-18

SERMON: “Proclaiming the Message of Repentance and                 Forgiveness”      Luke 24:44-49

  1. We live in a sinful world of which we are a part.
  2. As forgiven sinners we are moved to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness.

    This Service will also be broadcast on 1140 AM-WVEL (Peoria)  from 9-10am on Sunday, April 22nd.

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