LITURGY: Special Liturgy for the Festival (see file below)
SERMON: “Relax! The Lord Is God!” Psalm 46:10
LITURGY: Confessional Service with Holy Communion (pg46 TLH)
Sermon: “For the Sake of My Servant and Chosen One” Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
LITURGY: Order of Service without Holy Communion (Pg 5 TLH)
Sermon: “Strength for Contentment in Christ” Philippians 4:10-13
LITURGY: Order of Service with Holy Communion (pg 15 in TLH)
Right Click on the LINK below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
“It Is Marvelous in Our Eyes” Matthew 21:42-44.
1. The rejected Stone became the Cornerstone.
2. He has given us the Kingdom of God.
3. Let us continue to produce its fruits as we hold fast to the Cornerstone.
Read MoreLITURGY: Order of Matins (pg 32 TLH)
SERMON: “There Is Joy when God’s Gifts Move Us to Humble Unselfishness” Philippians 2:1-4
LITURGY: Confessional Service with Holy Communion (pg46 TLH)
Sermon: “Repent while You still Can, for God Abundantly Pardons” Isaiah 55:6-7
LITURGY: Order of Service without Holy Communion (Pg 5 TLH)
Sermon: “In Life and Death, We Are the Lord’s” Romans 14:7-9
LITURGY: Order of Service with Holy Communion (pg 15 in TLH)
Right Click on the LINK below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
SERMON: “Be Subject to Governing Authorities Because of God” Romans 13:5-7
LITURGY: Order of Service with Holy Communion (pg 15 in TLH)
Right Click on the LINK below to open the Worship Bulletin in a separate tab of your browser. This will allow you to follow along.
Sermon – “Go with God’s Plans” Matthew 16:21-23
LITURGY: Order of Matins (pg 32 TLH)
SERMON: “Built on the Rock, the Church shall Prevail” Matthew 16:18